Hello Taipei, 哈囉 台北,
如果你喜歡爵士音樂或復古文化,更或者只是想度過一段美好時光,都可以免費參加我們在松山文化創意園區池塘邊木地板 (下雨則在國父紀念館主館屋簷下) 的練習時間。不用擔心你之前是否跳過,我們將不時提供免費的課程或不一樣的相關活動。
Swing dance is a vintage dance that originated in 1930s America. It’s a whole lot of fun, guaranteed to put a smile on your face! If you enjoy jazz music, like vintage culture, or just want to have a great time, you should join our free Sunday practice! We usually meet every Sunday at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in the wooden floor area beside the pond, and if it’s raining, we will be SYS Memorial Hall, under the eaves. Don’t worry if you’ve never tried it before, we offer free lessons from time to time or even relative little games make the practice more fun. We love it and think you will, too! Come dance with us!